Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Dorset Software offers consultancy to help clients identify scenarios, which could potentially and critically affect the continuity of the business.

Our consultants work closely with the client to explore the causes and effects of possible situations and to make plans to ensure recovery in the case of a disaster.

All possible scenarios are considered by the consultant and options for protecting the business are suggested. All options are reviewed considering the criticality of the system and the associated cost.

Each alternative is graded on:

  • How quickly it can be made available (e.g. instantly or 2 weeks)
  • The effort in getting the system working (e.g. completely automated)
  • How well the system will work in failover state (e.g. limited performance)

Our consultants will draw up a plan detailing:

  • The scenario(s) with which the client is trying to deal
  • The solution we propose
  • The procedure for failing over
  • The procedure for returning to the original system once restored


We work with a number of clients to ensure Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, including: